Monday, July 09, 2007


The US Defense Department is looking to lighten the load soldiers have to lug around in order to keep all their gear powered, and its hoping the general public can help them do it. To that end, the DoD's gone and busted out a DARPA-style competition, with a million dollars in prize money in store for the winner.


Sunday, July 08, 2007


Cross Now... Cross Now...

Even if you don't live in a quasi-futuristic Los Angeles, and aren't a Blade Runner, you can still have the coolest umbrella on the street. With a push of a button, the shaft lights up, illuminating you and your path. Now, even in the darkest of nights, you're a lot more visible to the cars on the street, making your long walk home through the rain a lot safer.


Monday, July 03, 2006


Magnetic Floating Bed - Float With Gravitation

The magnetically leviating bed is designed by the Architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars. The Dutch architect poured-in six long years to devise this amazing design and concept. The bed faces gravitation with magnets and it can carry magneetgebruik up to 900 kilos and is supported by four thin staalkabeltjes (that’s what the translated site say..).



Excalibur Satellite-Guided Artillery Shells

The 155-millimeter Excalibur projectile uses satellite guidance and tailfins for pin-point attacks on distant targets with minimal collateral damage and less danger to close-by friendly forces. Targets included armored vehicles, simulated troop concentrations and a reinforced steel-and-concrete structures.

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Monday, June 26, 2006


High Altitude Airship Coming to Your Neighborhood Soon

The Lockheed Martin High Altitude Airship is an unmanned lighter-than-air vehicle. It will operate above the jet stream in a quasi-geostationary position to deliver persistent station keeping as a surveillance platform, telecommunications relay, or a weather observer.

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We will be able to live to 1,000

Life expectancy is increasing in the developed world. But Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey believes it will soon extend dramatically to 1,000. Here, he explains why.

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Friday, June 23, 2006


US Navy rail gun puts North Korea at risk.

A rail gun in the works at the US Navy has an effective range that covers all of North Korea. Don't you just love gunboat diplomacy?

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When Robots Learn Social Skills

"Learning to communicate and adapting our behaviour to the information we receive has been fundamental to human evolution. If machines could do the same the intelligent talking robots of science fiction could become the stuff of science reality, as researchers aim to prove."

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Thursday, June 22, 2006


Mummified Brachylophosaurus holds secrets millions of years old

"This specimen could be as important to the field of paleontology as the day Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon," said Nate Murphy, curator of paleontology at the Judith River Dinosaur Institute.

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Futurama Renewed for 13 New Episodes

Comedy Central has ordered 13 new episodes of the animated series that Fox canceled two years ago. Billy West, Katey Segal and other stars signed deals this week to return the show to TV. In getting a second life, "Futurama" is following the path taken by "Family Guy," which also found post-cancellation success on DVD and cable reruns.

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World's oldest spider web found in amber

The world's oldest spider web -- complete with captured prey - has been discovered, preserved in 110-million-year-old amber.
The sap may have dripped onto the web, or the web may have blown onto its surface. Then more sap covered it, forming a small amber "stalactite" 18 millimetres long and 7.5 millimetres wide.

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Monday, April 24, 2006


Future Airbus Passenger Seating

Flying On Cloud Nine

Thought this Airbus passenger seating was worth a look. Contour "Solar" bed / seat / mobile office with full entertainment system, power for your bag of devices, and massage feature.
It looks like you sit/lay at an angle from the wall. Which to me, I guess, might be a little disorienting. I've always liked sitting forward, facing the the direction the vehicle is moving. Back in the day when I was in the military, I rode in a C-17. The passenger seating in that was set so you face the rear of the plane. It was strange, and took a bit to get used to.

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